Well, time has a way of flying by. We spent 3 weeks in Oklahoma with our family, colleagues, and the flock. I could hardly believe it when time came to say goodbye. At least we got to see our kids, my parents, and all the grandkids. We managed to surprise quite a few folks who didn't know that I was coming home with Jim.

These are my three brothers who also came to the airport to pick us up.

I thought you might enjoy some of the pics from home. This is my dad and my brother who went through an electrocution (see the Take a Deep Breath post) and the turkey he got.

The next one is the deer that his son-in-law bagged.
Also, while we were enjoying a mild winter here in Changzhou, the folks at home were having quite a winter!

This is just one of the snows that Oklahoma received.
Well, back to the issues at hand, it sure was hard to leave my hubby behind but I am sure that God will surround both of us. I had a difficult time getting out of the U.S. due to plane delays and crews needing down time, but finally arrived in Shanghai about 10:00 pm on Tuesday night. It was great to see the CIEE group and go to the orientation sessions on Wednesday morning. I finally arrived back in Changzhou about 4:30 that afternoon. Of course there wasn't anything in the fridge and I was too tired to go shopping so I just took a hot shower and went to bed. I have been back for 4 days now and still have some of the jet lag since we are 14 hours ahead of Oklahoma. Our teaching schedule begins tomorrow and since we are short a couple of teachers for about 3 weeks I will have an exta heavy teaching schedule up front. (Help Honey!! I sure do need you here to do dishes and housekeeping) ha ha. Jim was certainly a big help to me while he was here and I miss him greatly. I better hush for now and get some shut eye.