More Egypt Pics
We took a trip to see the Alabaster Mosque. Moufid showed us the side of the podium which was made of very intricately carved wooden pieces. If even one small piece is removed, the entire side will fall apart!

After three days in Cairo and visiting the Pyramids and the Sphynx, we flew to Aswan to begin our cruise up the Nile River. Upon reaching Aswan we took a small boat to see the temple there. Bill and Pam posed for a pic on the boat.

Jim and Diana (a friend we met that was on the trip from New York) are resting while we made our way along the waterway to the temple.
These young men we so helpful to get us on and off the boat at Aswan.
As we walked up toward the temple, we could see the huge columns of the temple. This entire structure had been in another place, but it was going to be flooded, so the Egyptians took it apart piece, marked each piece and transferred it to this site. When we looked at it, it was hard to imagine that it had been dismantled and moved to this location.
While touring the inside, we found a little bird had built a nest inside a crevice and had baby birds there.

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