I don't have much time to post since we will be heading out for Shanghai this evening,

and I wanted to put up some more pictures of our new home. The first one is looking into our living room from our dining area. Our table and chairs are beside our front door when entering the apartment. That seems to be the favorite way of arranging

apartments here. We are starting to get settled in and things are beginning to feel more like home

. The second one is standing just inside the door and looking to the left into the kitchen. The sliding doors are closed but you can see that the kitchen is yellow and there are yellow leaves etched into the glass of the doors. We also have a free-standing refrigerator/freezer which displays the time and temperature digitally on the front. (Hey Jim - quite a step-up huh?) The third one is looking back to the front door and our dining table/kitchen.
The last one is looking from our kitchen to mine and Barbara's bedrooms. (Hers on the right, mine on the left)
Well, I better sign off and get ready for our Shanghai adventure. I will try to take some pics while there.
Huh-o ... looks like my blog has been blocked again. I can't preview it, but at least I can still post. You guys at home will have to email and let me know if you can see it. At least for now I can't. But I will keep posting as often as I can.