Well, it was finally the end of the May holiday and Carol and I were both done in,
but happy about all our travels. During her last week here she met me at the bus stop (she made it across the street by herself).

We finally caught a 19 bus
(after jut missing one and having to wait forever) and went to have a foot massage (which included a lot more that just your feet!) They massaged your shoulders, back, arms, and a very thorough massage of your feet and lower legs. It lasted an hour and felt heavenly.
(Eat your hearts out ladies! All for about $6) 
We didn't want anyone thinking Carol just lounged around while she was here so we

took some pictures of our exercise routines. We went to eat at a Japanese restaurant which was pretty neat too.

Finally it was Saturday and time to head off to Shanghai

for a night on the Bund and shopping on Sunday morning before taking off to the airport for Carol's flight home.
We caught the new fast train from Changzhou to Shanghai which only took an hour (about 3 hours before).

After getting settled into our hotel we took off for the Bund. We had supper on the seventh floor of number 3 where we could see all the beautiful lights and the river. Then we decided to go along the walk way.

It was a very pretty sight to see. Finally it was back to the hotel for some much needed rest. After a lazy morning and hot showers we struck out for Xintiandi

(an old part of Shanghai that is

being restored with all kinds of shops). We had frappacino at Starbucks and then it was off shopping. About noon we caught a taxi to the airport. By the time we got luggage checked in and found the right gate it was time for Carol to head on alone. I sure hated to see her go, but knew that she would have the worst of the trip over first (about 17 hours in one hitch). Of course we both shed a few tears, but were happy we had been able to have her visit. After catching the number 5 bus back into town I did a little more shopping since my train didn't leave until almost 7:00 pm. I was back at the apartment by 8:30 and knew that Carol was well on

her way back to the good ole USA. It had been quite an exciting 3 weeks...andI think Carol was bitten by the travel bug. :)