The Gorges

Three Gorges Dam project. (More pics on a later blog).

Everything went well until we went to bed on Thursday night. My food lay like a rock in my stomach all night. (We found out later I had gotten food poisoning). The next morning we had to catch a train back home (24 hours ride). I managed to make it to the train before I began vomiting and diarrhea. At least we had bunks to lay on. On top of everything else, there was a seven-year-old boy above Jim who continually threw items (such as full bottles of water) at us and continually yelled out and threw fits. (We found out his grandfather was taking him to find out what was wrong) but it sure didn't help me feel better.
The train ride home was a nightmare that I won't soon forget. We finally made it home about 12:30 Saturday afternoon and I was sicker. I was supposed to teach on Sunday, but was so sick I couldn't. Finally on Monday morning Jim called the waiban and they had him take me to the hospital. Some of the things I can laugh about now, but they weren't very funny then. I'll tell the tale on my next blog.
Enough now to say I am back on the road to recovery and doing much better.