Walking Miles
Wow - it's Thursday evening already and the week has gone by very quickly. We have walked our legs off every day. The heat and humidity have drained us but we are still hanging in there. Yesterday we went to the Wu Shen gardens and looked at some more of the historical artifacts. (I'm not sure we would have fared very well on some of those beds). We took a ride down the canal on one of the covered boats and had some interesting food for lunch (including a whole fish covered in some kind of sauce). Then when we returned to Shanghai we were taken to an ethnic restaurant (Manchu) and had some very different cuisine (including duck, pig stomach, bird, and a variety of dumplings. Much of it was spicy but some was very good.

We were served a buffet lunch today, and I noticed Jim had put a fair sized portion of this particular food on his plate. When we sat down I asked if he knew what it was. He thought it was some kind of vegetables (it was octopus). I talked him into trying one bite. We both decided one bite was enough. Then we went to the US Consulate office for an orientation.
We braved the traffic this evening and went to a five-story computer and electronics building. I picked up some ink cartridges and an internet cable.
Below is a pic of a 5-star hotel in the Jin Mao tower. I am on the 88th floor looking down the inside of the building. All the rings going around are floors of the hotel.

Well, I better get this post finished and polish up my lesson plans (I have to teach a sample class in the morning). We will be leaving on Saturday morning for our school in Changzhou. There are six of us that will be teaching there this year.
Until next time - Zai Jian
Thanks for the posts ... reading these will give a mini-vacation each day you post. You know I need them!
I was relaying the octopus story to a coworker and could hear the conversation, almost word for word, between you and Jim in my head. Sounds like life is one big adventure right now. Keep having fun and don't worry, you'll get used to the walking and the climate.
Hey Mom, has Dad found any potted meat or spam yet? I can't wait to get a call from you. We sure do miss you guys. Alex sends lots of hugs and kisses and he is doing great in school. Chris and I are so proud of him. hope to here your voices soon.
love ya
Hi Estee We sure miss you here ,But sounds like you and James are having quite a time, Such good food ,and lots of exersize , Love all your letters ,and comments, all's well here, Have fun , Mom
Tried to comment earlier, but couldn't figure it out. Hope this one goes through. I've enjoyed reading your updates. Each day during our moment of silence at school, I lift you guys up. As the old saying goes, let the teaching begin. You will be great!
Hi Jim & Estee,
Hope this finds you healthy and happy! We miss you already! Rec'd much needed rain last night. Glad to know you are there despite the exhaustive trip. OKC crowning went well. Having to juggle sponsers as 2 resigned. I know it wil be OK. Can you believe Bethany is a SR? 3rd grade is going to be great. Looking forward to being pen pals! Watch out 4 those 8-legged veggies! Luv ya, R&D
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