We went to the grocery store this week to prepare for our farewell get-together for the X-Pats. (Some of our teachers are going back to their respective countries) We thought it might be fun to post some of the offerings at our neighborhood grocery. Can you tell which one is chicken and which is duck? We decided not to do the chicken feet since I don't know how to cook them.

We also opted not to do the snakes (eels) or frogs. I really don't know how to cook these!
I think my grandsons would be fascinated by the thought of buying a real snake (eel) or frog to take home.

We could have gotten the goat, but Alvin and Frankie weren't here to show us how to cook it so we passed it by. Next we checked out the pork.

I guess I am in trouble - I don't know how to cook pigs' feet or organs either. After spending several minutes trying to decide what to do, we ended up deciding to order pizza from Pizza Hut!Guess I will have to have some cooking lessons before I am ready to tackle some of these things. :)
In the meantime,
has anyone seen Elvis?

Deana agrees with you, saying she is afraid that she couldn't cook there, and probably couldn't even go to the store. I am afraid I have to agree, Pizza would be my choice as well, as long as it was REAL pizza. The ice pictures are beautiful. Diana hit the big "50" today, Welcome to the club. Glad to hear from you. We had our own ice to deal with, but were really fortunate that we didn't what some of the other areas got. One of my brothers still has no electricty. We still have ice is places, but we were lucky to get sleet instead of the rain, which brought down the electric lines. Well, gotta go, early day tomorrow-textbook workshop out of town. Take care and love you guys. Larry
To see random shots of our ice show across the state go to www.2worksforyou.com and click on the winter blast slide show. It will give you an idea as to why some schools were out a week plus. We were out 4 days.
hey mom, I showed the guys at work the pictures....they were so grossed out....I just sat back and Laughed
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